Sadali (Ajil Ditto), a student from Bukittinggi, is determined to become an artist and is accepted into ISI Yogyakarta University. Before leaving, he undergoes the Taaruf process and is matched with Arnaza (Hanggini), a woman from his village. Their connection is strong, and they spend meaningful time together before his departure. In Yogyakarta, Sadali finds accommodation with help from his friend Budi (Faiz Vishal), at a restaurant and art gallery run by Mera (Adinia Wirasti), an art enthusiast. He also meets Mera’s cousin, Grace (Shania Gracia JKT48). As time goes by, Sadali falls for Mera, but learns she is older, has a daughter, and is going through a divorce. Back in Bukittinggi, Arnaza remains loyal, sending Sadali letters. Sadali must decide whether to honor his commitment to Arnaza or pursue his feelings for Mera.